24 juni 2011


Popular Moroccan actress Nabila Marhaben ambassador MPC!

The ambitious and very popular Moroccan actress Nabila Marhaben is the new ambassador of the Moroccan Primate Conservation foundation. Nabila was born in Purmerend, in the Netherlands and is currently starring in a tremendously popular sitcom Yak Hna Jirane (The Neighbours) broadcasted throughout the Arab countries. Every episode is viewed by 35 million people and Nabila has millions of Moroccan fans. Recently Nabila and MPC made a visit to the wild Barbary macaques in Cascades d'Ouzoud and also the baby macaques that are for sale in Marrakech. Nabila was extremely touched to spend time with the wild macaques and was very upset to see that so many baby macaques are taken away from their mothers every year to be sold for the illegal pet trade (ed: 300- to 500 a year). "Now I have seen the macaques in the wild, I support the work of MPC even more. These unique endangered animals belong in the wild, in the beautiful nature of Morocco. Monkeys are not pets, they should never end up in cages", says Nabila. MPC is starting a large social media campaign with help of Nabila's popularity this summer to inform the tourists and visitors in Morocco to not buy macaques or other wildlife during their stay in Morocco. MPC is very happy to have such a dedicated Moroccan ambassador working with us! For more information about Nabila: http://www.nabilamarhaben.com


Survey in the EU on BM trade

MPC is currently conducting a survey that is initiated by MPC and AAP and funded by AAP. The survey is focused on monitoring the the illegal trade in Barbary macaques in the EU over the last 5 years. This will be the 3rd survey of its kind. It is important to keep track of any increase or decrease in the trade to measure the effects of our combined efforts and to keep informing and motivating the authorities in both Europe and Morocco. The Brigitte Bardot Foundaton in France, Depana in Spain and LAV in Italy are assisting us to gather as much data as possible. The final report will be available after the survey is completed.

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