21 maart 2010


I won the Future for Nature award 2010!

By now, most of you will know that I won the Future for Nature award 2010. I have known this for a little while, but of course this had to stay a secret.
Last Friday was the award ceremony and I have been working really hard before this day to make my presentations (I had to do an extra one for the beneficiaries of Burgers Zoo (one of the big sponsors and the venue of the award day)) and to be prepared for press and even chosing my outfit was a challenge ;-)
I can say that it was one of the most amazing days of my life. The other 2 winners, Jean Thomas from Australia(and her husband Jim...who deserves all credits too) who fight for the Tenkile Tree kangaroo in Papua New Guinea and Alberto Campos from Brazille who fights for the survival of 2 very special bird species and the manatee, were super!! I very much enjoyed meeting them and was proud to share the stage with them.

I am still in a kind of state of shock, the whole event was just so beautiful and inspiring. It was an incredible honour for me too meet Angela Cropper from UNEP but especially Saba Douglas Hamilton. I am very greatful to her for her support and encouragement on that day and her incredible words when she introduced me on stage.

My presentation went really well, I was nervous until the moment i had to get on stage, but when i was there, I felt really confident and enjoyed it a lot.

I can't describe how much i appreciate Future for Nature for doing this work and supporting young conservationists in their battles. It is not only the financial support, all though 50.000 Euro is an incredible amount, but it is also the support and motivation you get and feel by winning this award.

I am more motivated than ever to help the Barbary macaques now and i hope many of you will support me and MPC to do this.
I have been doing a lot of media lately and hope many people out there will spread the word and help us to make this planet a better place for the future generations!

Thank you everybody who has always believed in me and stood by me and motivated me. Without you I would not be where I am now.

Pictures and video of the award day will follow shortly.

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Thank you very much for your interest! Please keep reading, i will post some pictures shortly of my big day! Els
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