10 oktober 2009


Training, workshop and nomination...

I just came back from travelling through India for a month and it is taking me quite a lot of time to adjust to being back in Europe. India has made a very big impression on me, not only because of the very cheecky monkeys that live there, but the people, the scenery and spirituality of the country. In some ways India reminded me of Morocco a lot, but in other ways I realised that Morocco is much more developed over the last years.

I am off to Morocco tomorrow where i will be part of a training that the Moroccan authorities, SSN and WWF MedPo have organised. The first days will be for the Moroccan NGOs and how they can contribute to putting a halt to the illegal trade. The last 3 days will be for the Moroccan customs officers. We will train them on Moroccan legislation and CITES, on Barbary macaque biology and the illegal trade and how to handle moneys, what to do with them when they confiscate a monkey etc. I am very excited about this week. It is the first time this will ever take place in Morocco and I hope it all goes well. I am sure it's going to be a challenge as well.
So tomorrow I set off with a large catching net donated by AAP (thank you!!) and a stuffed animal (monkey style...) to do a demonstration....I will make sure to get some pictures so you can all have a laugh. I am looking forward to being in Morocco again, to get new ideas and new plans and hopefully to achieve a lot as well with my colleagues from Morocco, America and Italy!

Oh, by the way, I have been nominated for the Future for Nature award 2010 again, and fingers crossed this time, I might be amongst the 3 winners!!! But already the 2 nominations is an acknowledgement to my efforts and I am very happy about it!

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Jammer dat je zo reageert. Ieder beetje helpt en het idee van een opvangcentrum komt van onszelf, dat roepen we al jaren, dus dat hoef je ons niet te vertellen...!

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