10 mei 2007
Terug in Marokko
Ik ben weer terug in Marokko sinds een lange tijd. Het seminar dat we hebben georganiseerd in Maart heeft vele gemotiveerd om actie te ondernemen en vooral onze Spaanse collega's zijn in volle gang met het opzetten van een samenwering met de douane in Spanje. De komende tijd gaan we ons richten op de grote groep Marokkanen die in Europa wonen en massaal naar Marokko trekken voor de zomer. Dit is namelijk de grootste groep kopers van berberapen. Door middel van folders en billboards willen we hen op andere gedachten zetten. Daarom ga ik volgende week naar Spanje.
I am back in Morocco since a long time. The seminar that we organised in March has motivated many people to come into action and especially our Spanish colleagues are working hard to set up a coopertaion with the Spanish customs. The coming months we are going to focus on the education of the Moroccans living in Europe. This group is the largest group of buyers of Barbary macaques and by means of flyers and billboards we want to prevent them from buying wild animals. For this reason I am off to Spain next week.
I am back in Morocco since a long time. The seminar that we organised in March has motivated many people to come into action and especially our Spanish colleagues are working hard to set up a coopertaion with the Spanish customs. The coming months we are going to focus on the education of the Moroccans living in Europe. This group is the largest group of buyers of Barbary macaques and by means of flyers and billboards we want to prevent them from buying wild animals. For this reason I am off to Spain next week.