23 mei 2007
Het bos, radioreportage en nieuwe apen
Ik ben afgelopen week in het bos geweest en dat was prachtig. Het heeft in April erg veel geregend in Marokko en het hele land is groen en vol met bloemen. Geweldig. En het geboorteseizoen is weer begonnen en de eerste jongen zijn geboren, nog geen week oud.
Ik was daar met een vriendin Sietske de Boer, die tevens journaliste is en zij heeft een radioreportage gemaakt. Sietske woont al jaren in Marokko.
Het was wat moeilijk om apengeluiden op de band te krijgen. Ik zal jullie op de hoogte houden van wanneer het uitgezonden wordt.
Wat leuk is om te vermelden is dat onze Marokkaanse collega’s hadden verteld dat er een eco museum wordt gebouwd in het cederbos, “ La Maison du Cedre” genaamd en de bouw is inmiddels begonnen. Ik ben daar erg blij om, dit zal goede voorlichting geven aan de bezoekers en het straalt ook professionaliteit uit voor het Nationale Park,
The forest, radio and new monkeys
Last week I was in the field and it was beautiful. It has rained a lot in April in Morocco and the whole country is green and full of flowers. This is good for the area with the hot summer to come. Also the birth season of the maxaques has started and I saw many new-borns, some not even a week old.
I was in the forest with my friend and journalist Sietske de Boer, who made a radio programme on the subject. Sietske has been living in Morocco for years.
It was not easy for her to get some good recordings of the monkey sounds however.
Also nice to tell you that our Moroccan colleagues informed us that they were planning on building an eco museum, called “ La Maison de Cedre”. I saw that they started building now and that is great news as this museum will provide a lot of education for visitors and also it enhances professionality for the National park.
The forest, radio and new monkeys
Last week I was in the field and it was beautiful. It has rained a lot in April in Morocco and the whole country is green and full of flowers. This is good for the area with the hot summer to come. Also the birth season of the maxaques has started and I saw many new-borns, some not even a week old.
I was in the forest with my friend and journalist Sietske de Boer, who made a radio programme on the subject. Sietske has been living in Morocco for years.
It was not easy for her to get some good recordings of the monkey sounds however.
Also nice to tell you that our Moroccan colleagues informed us that they were planning on building an eco museum, called “ La Maison de Cedre”. I saw that they started building now and that is great news as this museum will provide a lot of education for visitors and also it enhances professionality for the National park.