03 maart 2007
We hebben het afgelopen jaar hard gewerkt aan het verplaatsen van de berberaap van een bepaalde lijst naar een beter beschermde lijst. Het gaat om CITES, de Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Dit verdrag reguleert de handel in bedreigde planten en dieren soorten. Wij hebben gepoogd om samen met de Marokkaanse overheid de berberaap op lijst I te krijgen, wat bepaalde consequenties heeft voor de handel in de berberaap, maar helaas was men te laat met het indienen van het voorstel, dus moeten we wachten op de volgende vergadering van CITES, en die is over 3 jaar. Maar we laten het hier niet bij zitten. We gaan alsnog op die vergadering bewustzijn creeren en lobbyen voor een betere handhaving.
I’m back in Holland. We are organising a seminar for experts on the barbary macaque trade and protection project and there will be a Moroccan (authorities) delegation coming over to join the seminar and to visit AAP, Sanctaury for exotic animals to see the problems with sheltering Barbary macaques with their own eyes. I came back to organise this visit and the seminar. I wasn’t happy at all as it was starting to become spring in Morocco, my favourite time of the year.
We have also been working on the amendment of the listing of the Barbary macaque within the CITES treaty (Convention Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). This convention regulates the trade in endangered plant and animal species. We have tried, together with the Moroccan government to upgrade the Barbary macaque from list II to list I, what can have quite an important influence on the trade in the species. Unfortunately the submssion of the proposal was too late and we have to let it pass this year and wait 3 more years! But we will still attend the CITES meeting and lobby for better implementation of the treaty and the laws in Morocco.
I’m back in Holland. We are organising a seminar for experts on the barbary macaque trade and protection project and there will be a Moroccan (authorities) delegation coming over to join the seminar and to visit AAP, Sanctaury for exotic animals to see the problems with sheltering Barbary macaques with their own eyes. I came back to organise this visit and the seminar. I wasn’t happy at all as it was starting to become spring in Morocco, my favourite time of the year.
We have also been working on the amendment of the listing of the Barbary macaque within the CITES treaty (Convention Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). This convention regulates the trade in endangered plant and animal species. We have tried, together with the Moroccan government to upgrade the Barbary macaque from list II to list I, what can have quite an important influence on the trade in the species. Unfortunately the submssion of the proposal was too late and we have to let it pass this year and wait 3 more years! But we will still attend the CITES meeting and lobby for better implementation of the treaty and the laws in Morocco.