19 juni 2012


Volunteers needed in Spain this summer

Volunteers are needed from 1th to 16th July to help us to raise a awareness Campaign of the Illegal Trafficking of Barbary macaques! Like former years, DEPANA, AAP, with BMCRif and MPC will start the "Paso del Estrechoā€¯ Campaign. This campaign aims to raise awareness to all passengers in transit to Morocco of the importance of the Barbary macaques in their natural environment, as well as the unsuitability of these animals to keep as a pets. During these days of summer we need volunteers to distribute information and materials to all travelers crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from Algeciras and Tarifa ports. If you like being in contact with people from different countries and environmental education, Paso del Estrecho Campaign may be a good place to also doing a very important job for the conservation of Barbary macaques. If you are interested in participating as a volunteer, contact us via campanyaestrecho@gmail.com specifying availability and interests. It is necessary to commit a minimum of 3/5 days, but if you live in the are a may be less. Desirable to speak French, English and/or Arabic in addition to Castilian. Come and help!



MPC UK We are happy to inform you that MPC has a new colleague on our team - Kristina Stazaker, who is setting up and running our new UK based MPC branch. MPC UK will focus on raising awareness and funds in the UK. Welcome Kristina. More news on this soon.


ARD - Documentary on Barbary macaques

MPC assisted the ARD German Public TV Wildlife Unit to film a documentary on Barbary macaques in Morocco, focused on the Central High Atlas and Middle Atlas populations. We were very unlucky with the weather but in the end we did manage to get some good footage.

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