26 mei 2011


Volunteers needed for this summer!

July will be a very important month for the Barbary macaques!.
Barcelona ZOO and DEPANA – League for protecting natural heritage, in cooperation with AAP and help of BMCRif and MPC are going to start the Paso del Esrecho Campaign (from 1st to 17th July)
This campaign aims to raise awareness to all passengers in transit to Morocco about the importance of the Barbary macaques in their natural environment, as well as the
unsuitability of keeping these animals as pets. During this month we need volunteers to distribute information and materials to all travelers crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from Algeciras's port.
If you like being in contact with people from different countries and environmental education, Paso del Estrecho Campaign may be a good place, while also doing a very important job for the conservation of Barbary macaques. If you are interested in participating as a volunteer, contact us via c ampanyaestrecho@gmail.com specifying availability and interests. It is necessary to commit a minimum of 5 days, but if you live in the area it can be less.
Accommodation and food is covered, and if you have a car that is welcome. For the public target it is necessary to speak at least English and basic French and/or Arabic, and it is useful if you speak Spanish. COME AND HELP US!


Survey in the EU and new Moroccan partner

MPC is currently conducting a survey that is initiated by MPC and AAP and funded by AAP. The survey is focused on monitoring the the illegal trade in Barbary macaques in the EU over the last 5 years. This will be the 3rd survey of its kind. It is important to keep track of any increase or decrease in the trade to measure the effects of our combined efforts and to keep informing and motivating the authorities in both Europe and Morocco. The Brigitte Bardot Foundaton in France, Depana in Spain and LAV in Italy are assisting us to gather as much data as possible. The final report will be available after the survey is completed.

New Moroccan partner
MPC is very pleased to announce that we have recently started a partnership SPANA (Society for the Protection of ANimals Abroad/ Societé pour la Protection des Animaux et la Nature) in Morocco. For years SPANA has been working in Morocco on the protection of domestic animals in need and they have 10 professional shelters/ educational centers / veterinary facilities throughout Morocco where they help donkeys, mules, horses, cats, dogs and any animal that is in need of care (www.spana.org). They also manage the natural reserve Sidi Boughaba just north of Rabat. Also SPANA is doing outstanding work in the nature education of children in Morocco.

MPC and SPANA are currently working on a plan with the Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Fôrets to create a solution for confiscated macaques in Morocco. MPC could not wish for a better local partner. More on this soon.

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